Taking Inventory series

I have an idea for a blog series or book: Iā€™m going to go thru everything I own.


Maybe give a quick story on where I got it and what I use it for or if I even use it anymore kinda thing. Perhaps even look up how much it is worth online for fun comparisons. Might even do stuff I wouldn’t even consider something I “own”, like this styrofoam cup from Zaxby’s sitting next to me. Sure, I purchased it, and helped myself to its accessories of a lid and straw. But, I’ll be throwing it in the trash as soon as the sugary liquids within are exsanguinated. Maybe that’s the point of me doing this: give me concrete examples of the consumer culture in which I live?

So, most of this might turn out to be a sort of philosophical review of my life, but mostly I want to have a list of stuff so I know not to get more of something while at the store. šŸ™‚

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