Not Yer Ordinary Book Learnin’, from Westlands in Play

”But remember, for those of you just starting out to use this ‘surge’ of action sparingly” the illusion warned. “But as you advance, your core will be able to hold more in its reserve, and with proper training, this technique can be used more often between periods of rest and reflection”. Merrick made the gesture […]

Taking Inventory: Card-Carrying Carrier of Cards

Inventory: one(1) money clip I’ve had a lot of wallets in my life, and a fair amount of money clips, and I have to say I prefer the latter. Whenever I had a wallet, I would inevitably leave business cards, old insurance stuff, folded up post-it notes with phone numbers and such in it and […]

Taking Inventory: key chain-chain-chaaaaaain

Inventory: one(1) keychain Thought I’d do a smaller one this time as the bag was a LOT of stuff. Still, plenty of stories to tell from a set of keys one carries around literally all day, every day. Inventory of keychain: one(1) keyring organizer with three(3) detachable rings This thing is OOOOOOOLD. Like, possibly as […]

Reverse-Engineering You

I was thinking about immortality on the drive to work today. Not the usual sci-fi methods of extended life medical breakthroughs or genetic manipulations or cyborgs or cryo-freezing or even brain-uploading… Well, maybe that last one. I was thinking about the phrase “they’ll live on in our hearts”. This referring to someone living on in […]